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Rkstar Open Mic Early Sign-Up
Every Sunday 10am-4pm

This early sign up is provided so that people paying for recording can get first dibs at their ideal time slot for the Rkstar Open Mic. Each user can only sign up one act (their own) per week. And be careful, you can't edit your choices once you signed up, so double check your entries before hitting that button!

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Rkstar Username:
To prevent abuse, and to verify that its people who use the site that are taking advantage of the early sign-up, you must be a preferred subscriber (with a username) to the free newsletter to sign up. You can signup here if you haven't not already.

Act Name:
Your name as you will be called to perform.

Record your performance onto CD. $8 for one song, $10 for two. Your CD will be ready within a few minutes of your act's performance. You pay at the sound board when picking up the CD.

Permission to put any recording (audio or video) on the Rkstar website.